The suppressed treatment for lung infections appeared in alternative med circles yrs ago.....Nebulize 1-3% hydrogen peroxide including 2 drops Lugol's iodine...Later nebulize 500mg NAC in 20ml water....Large doses oral Vitamin C as sodium ascorbate and Vitamin D3...Hydrate/humidify/heal!

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Thank you for the informative write up. There is a major global push to reduce antibiotic usage with possibly tragic consequences. Harms due to undertreatment are never weighed against unquantifiable increases in antibiotic resistance. This recent article illustrates how poorly the ecosystem of bacteria is understood: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04265-w


This research shows that hedgehogs are a natural reservoir of zoonotic mecC-MRSA lineages that predate the antibiotic era, which is inconsistent with the commonly accepted view that widespread resistance in clinical pathogens is a modern phenomenon that is driven by our use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine."

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Real Vitamin C has an anti-pneumonia fraction in it. Scurvy / sub clinical scurvy is usually the cause. Standard Process Cataplex C is the real vitamin C enzyme called tyrosinase ,a copper enzyme/adrenal activator. Viruses are fraud.

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The Pathogenesis of Pneumonia is always staphylococcus aureus. Why would you open with this nonsensical diatribe about viral pneumonia that doesn't have one shred of evidence? Was your goal to make a point by conceding a bigger more harmful lie? Why? Was your goal to further destroy language by adding additional layers of separation from the verifiable truth. Because this is destroying language, it is willful. and it's a far bigger problem for us and our future than pneumonia X COVID^2. So what is this 'virus'? 'Pneumonia virus'? That's a thing? Really? Can you show me the virus? Can you show me this virus infecting lung tissue and causing pneumonia? Did you actually check any of these facts? I'm not trying to beat you up BTW, just using this to illustrate the point of what is becoming of language. The idea of viruses causing disease has become lexicon. Yet scientifically it is a bankrupt theory, over 100 years old, never proven and forced into the lexicon by people that aren't scientists and shouldn't be trusted. Why would you use it as the basis for making YOUR point, which IS actually relevant and worthy of consideration? Because you DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. It's what everyone says. It's what everyone believes, right? What's the harm in just repeating it? Well as it turns out the harm is fucking massive. Way worse than (pneumonia X COVID)^3. Because it allows the same untrustworthy people to lock you in your homes over the fear of any new virus, that is whatever they say it is, over and over forever. Unlike 'viral pneumonia' THIS actually verifiably happened and I think it should be clear to you that they're going to try again and again. All because you repeated a lie without a blip of brain activity. So what favor do you think you're doing for us? Allowing lies like this, whose effects are verifiably devastating, to creep into the lexicon because you're too lazy to have thoughts, is a crime against all of us. A heinous crime we all keep committing against each other. Out of nothing but laziness and ignorance. Please stop! We cannot let our language and rhetoric lose it's basis in fact. This is the end game. The true ticket to unfettered tyranny. Not lockdowns or vaccines or anything else. Did you not read 1984? Did you not get it at all? Did you miss the part where 'free Speech' Twitter will now let you say almost anything, but still forbids you from questioning if certain major 'events' actually happened the way they say, or at all? I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink. But you have to understand that if you don't drink you eventually die. What you set out to do here (inform us) played straight into their hand (misinforming us) and you didn't even notice. I believe with 100% certainty that your intentions were pure and good, but it happened anyway. Can you see and accept how insidious this is? Can you get that this is the '3D chess' that everyone is talking about? Where you put yourself in checkmate without even knowing you were playing? I think it's safe to assume you don't want to live in the world of 1984. So stop building it. The time for being lazy and thinking lazy is over. We are fully in crunch time now and every detail matters. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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WOW! You are a real truth seeker! I LOVE your response! Can you write something along this line and let me post it on my substack page? Of course it won't be a response, it would be more of an expose! EXCELLENT!!!! X 100! Please sign up on my stack. And here is one for you I suspect you will enjoy...https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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If you end up with pneumonia, it is because of a major toxic influence of some sort in your life. Bacteria eat garbage. If you lungs are full of garbage the bacteria will be prolific. They don't cause pneumonia. The pneumonia was already starting when the bacteria set up shop. The amount of toxins that are being dumped on us is astronomical. It's a wonder there are any survivors. 5G, Chemtrails...yes they are real and now they ADMIT they are real. https://savedmag.com/chemtrails-geoengineering/ So make a list of the toxic influences INCLUDING "vaccines" with polyethylene glycol in them!

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